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NAGS Pillar 1 – Costs/Cars/Structure

NAGS Pillar 1 – Costs/Cars/Structure – Spin Off Benchmarking Survey 2025

Please find herewith a link to the first spin off benchmarking survey, focusing on agency costs, cars & structure. The 2024 Benchmarking survey highlighted the areas most agents would like to investigate further, which formed the basis for this survey.

Please can I urge you to take the 10-15 minutes or so that will be needed to complete it as accurately as you can; the results will be directly proportional to the participation and care of uptake.  The questions relate to an agency and so please only submit one data set per agency.

Please complete the survey based upon your agency at the end of 2024. The list of Power BI reports required to complete the survey is below – basically you’ll need your end of 2024 agency GWPI, no of customers & policy count, along with an idea of how your overall agency expenses have changed between financial years 21/22 to 23/24, so your partnership accounts may be useful.

 Power BI reports to use:

  1. Customer Insights > Customer summary tab Insights (set ‘renewal date’ filter on the right of the page to a full year)
  2. MI Pack > Agency MI Pack

We have been very careful to design the process to ensure confidentiality and anonymity. The survey is hosted by Delegant, it is they and only they who will have access to the raw data which they will process into meaningful comparisons.  

Once you have completed the survey, a copy of your answers will be emailed to you, along with full survey results in due course.

The survey will close at the end of February.